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Online Database For Marriage Records New York

By Claire Dowell

If you want to get your hands on Marriage Records New York, you can get them at the state's Department of Health, under their Vital Records unit. You can also get them at the state's Marriage Bureau and the clerk of Superior Court that finalized the marriage.

The public is granted access to the document because they are deemed as public documents but there are certain protocols that need to be followed to get them. Of course, the bride and groom hold the right to access their own marriage document. Their legal representatives can access them too if necessary. The only time a person can get access to another person's documents is when he or she has the consent of the court, as such in the case of someone investigating the marital status of a potential spouse.

To carry out a search, you need to first get a request form at the Department of Health or at the clerk of Superior Court. Complete the form by supplying the following information: full name of husband, maiden name of the wife, their birthdays, their place of residence, date and place of marriage, your reason for requesting access to the files and your relationship with the husband or wife. Be sure to include any proof of your identity on the day that you submit your request. Review the details that you provide because they are critical to the outcome of your search. And also, the caretaker of the file you want to get has the right to accept or reject your request if he or she does not find your reason valid enough.

A marriage documents costs $30 per copy and $15 for additional copy. There are three ways to place a request: through telephone, Internet, or mail. If you choose the first two, you will get the documents in about 5 to 7 days. If you choose to place your request by mail, you will have to wait 2 to 8 weeks. Fortunately, there is a way to get the documents faster and that is through a rush service, which will cost you $45 per copy. No refund will be given even if the document that is being requested is not found.

You can also acquire the files from online search tools. There are those that are permitted by the government to keep marriage files and supply them to whoever places a request for them. There are a number of search tools you can find on the Internet but not all of them are legitimate. Prior to starting your search, make sure that you are getting your information from a legit provider by running a background check.

Online service providers are categorized into two kinds: fee-based service providers and providers that allow a Free Marriage Records Search. Both can get you the basic details of a marriage record. The difference is that fee-based service providers can get you an in-depth version of marriage records for a certain fee. If you are lucky, you might even get your hands on the confidential pieces of information.

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