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Old Mystery TV Shows The Art Of Social Agility

By Deanne Shepard

Humans have always had a morbid fascination with death and extreme violence. Perhaps the reason that this is the case is due to the fact that the human race does have an expiry date. However, it is still good to know that the culprits are often caught thus the obsession with old mystery TV shows.

When a person becomes complacent, they tend to want to find a way to fill the void. This internal turmoil can sometimes lead them to act in a manner that is not part of to what society dictates. The sad truth is that there are just too many people who are prone to violence as means of getting what they want. They see no wrong in these actions and therefore pursue them with the same vigor as one who is hungry.

Some people live in areas where violence and crime are things that fiction writers come up with. That is why they tend to develop a naive view of the world which is does not help them when they are faced with the realities that life, especially people can be cruel. While scaring people is not the aim, awareness is still very important.

Parents need to instill in the children the right morals and ethics in order for them to create socially responsible individuals. However, most young parents lack the life experience needed to be able to impart this knowledge. They assume that the world or society will have to deal with the problem. They forget that when they conceived these individuals they did not ask anyone for permission to so.

Individuals who spend way too much time look out of the world through a window of envy spend less time being internally productive. They then lack the foresight needed to grab the opportunities that ate presented to them. These inabilities are then used as tools to blame others for their lack of success.

Most societies are based on survival of the fittest and this is when human ruthlessness comes into play. When people feel trapped in crappy situations they will often find ways that break social rules and policies. With more people fighting for the same resources come the conflict and violence that seems endless. Naturally, this is not to assume that utopia can simply be formed.

Both the good and the bad of human nature is required in order to create a good balance and harmony. When people have everything they want, they tend to find reasons to be disgruntle. Without a purpose a person simply goes through the motion of life until their survival instincts kick in forcing them to face their mortality. It is not a morbid view to think that it would be best to actually lower the birth rate and thus the population in the world.

Most people are willing to fight for their human rights as they do not wish to have these rights violated. However, the planet can truly only sustain so much life before things get out of hand. It is not hard to find that there is much truth in this sentiment and things have to change.

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