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Oh To Love, How Rare That Is

By Evan Sanders

Oh to love, how rare that truly is. The things we love in this world last only so long. Yes, it may only be 5 minutes, 5 years, or an entire lifetime, but in the final analysis we eventually part. How fortunate we are to have something so fantastic at one point that makes the ending of the journey so hard. But for those who love unconditionally...for those who love with their whole heart and understand that we are all sentenced to an end, we stay present with the people we adore. We make that moment last as long as we can because who truly knows when those moments will be no more in our lives. Our love is the thing that miracles are made of. Our love is the thing that can truly and authentically change the entire world. We see friends and family all the time fall madly in love with something they really enjoy, and the world changes around them. We see people who fall completely in love with a person, and their energy, the two of them together as a unit creates something that other people see and feel.

Love rises above all else.

Love is a sort of energy that can't be explained.

Words are no match for it. Even if the most beautiful of words are employed in the most perfect way, only a scratch is made on actually describing what love is. This is why our hearts literally break when love crashes and burns. Recovery seems as distant cousin. We enter into a real state of loss as the person we were with were actually was our other set of eyes, hands and legs.

Our close friends, our work, our close relationships, all can be deeply loved. Not juvenile "love" but I am talking about the sort of honest, deep and exposed love, where you've got no fear in your mind about telling that person the worst about yourself, the darkest worries you have kept secret, because you know that love goes beyond all. You give somebody the tools to totally destroy you down to your core, and you trust them with everything inside of you not to.

Love nevertheless can become a fleeting thing.

And that's how it is meant to be. As humans, we try to hang onto the good things truly as long as we possibly can, but often the good just runs out and the balance of life takes a dip from what we had. We are meant to be brought down, so we can in truth rise again. From the beginning, I have always thought that the person I actually fell deeply and madly in love with, my soulmate, wouldn't just be the one who would be on the up and up with me, but the one that would support me and even help me walk through those dips in life.

The love that I have felt in past years has been fantastic, life changing, fantastic, and yet at all the same time fleeting. Things occur, things change, and as the years have gone by, I've found many more paths to appreciate what I had vs what I lost. I suspect that has been a major turning point for me. My soul opens like a blooming flower every time I give myself the real chance to experience life. The good and the bad. The power of a strong redwood is built into my core and flowers of deep experience, zeal, and true wisdom bloom through my soul.

We are meant to experience the events we do on the paths we select.

Keep hold of what you can while you have it and deeply love those around you. Cold and hard hearts are for the weak soul. That is fear talking. That is fear trying to protect the one thing you know that might truly make you 100% exposed. Overt and plain-talking strength really isn't strength in any way. It's weakness attempting to convince an audience that it's something else.

True vulnerability and a gentle heart is true strength. The path lets you confront even your greatest fears with eagerness and animation.

Love seriously.

Love passionately.

Love vulnerably.

Love with no fear.

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